Wien, Döbling / Strawberry Fields

opening: 09.08.2023, from 19:00h

Mario Kicker, member of the art associations Biennale Austria and la maison des artistes, and co-founder of the international art collective DIE mARkT, shows abstract 2D small formats with common sense in the Hengl-Haselbrunner winery.

We are looking forward welcoming you. It´s is going to be ... cozy!

In order to make our lives a little better, Clemens Keiffenheim is curating an artistic program under the name “Grätzel Treasures” in the in-house gallery of the Hengl-Haselbrunner winery in Vienna Döbling. From August 9th, 23 to February 9th, 24 he invited the up-and-coming artist Mario Kicker to show some of his latest work.

“Of course I was very happy to accept that and immediately asked my favorite Viennese poet, Manuel Lerche, to support me. He also had the same reaction: “Of course, I’m in!”

The program for the opening of the exhibition “Strawberry Fields” in the gallery at the Hengl-Haselbrunner winery is now as follows: The two artists are present.

Manuel will read poetry from his most recently published volume and will surprise the guests with something new.

Mario hangs small-format works from various series, and since these are easy to pick off the wall, the exhibition is called “Strawberry Fields.”

We look forward to meeting old acquaintances with new faces and anyone with an interest is welcome!


Free admission

The 2D works shown are for sale

Drinks and food are available at the vinery.


Weingut Hengl-Haselbrunner,

Iglaseegasse 10, 1190 Wien

opening hours:

August 9th, 2023 from 7:00 p.m. Opening of the exhibition. From then on, Tuesday to Saturday, from 3:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m

Come around and pick yourself a painting!